Friday, July 25, 2008

The health Confusion...

What is it...
what is healthy?

these amoung many other questions are things people ask themselves on a daily basis, and with all this marketing being THRUST at us TELLING us what is and isnt healthy for us, not to mention our whole medical system is about someone else telling us what is best for our bodies.

Think about this - your walking down the cereal isle and you see "organic corn flakes" so you think, well MUST be good for me....

Lets break it down, organic means that there are no pesticides, hormones, drugs, and sometimes no genetically modified ingredients. It doesnt mean no sugar, no fat etc.

So you can have organic CAKE but its still going to have all those calories of fat in it. Its that distinction that needs to be made.

Organics has become so much of a marketing tool - I URGE consumers to really look beyond it, a common rule my dad always said if its more than 5 ingredients, you might think twice, if you cant read the ingredients or dont know what they are then dont think twice cuz it wont be nice!

Best of luck!

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