Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This organic WAVE...

well as many of you have seen its sort of a growing trend to have organic sections of grocery stores. Many people are unaware of what it actually means and have merely been marketed to, Im developing at product that aims to educate, and inform consumers about buying local and buying quality product. As organic (the brand) becomes more and more mainstream, and people start to realize that the standards are only regionally specific, and that organic here may not mean organic in even the next province or state or country. So unless your overly educated about various regions specifications its all just a game of trust. We're aiming to make a product that is able to be tested for nutritional superiority and gives you the nutrients FROM your food, where it was intended to come originally! But due to all the soil degredation and GMO processes, nutrients in food have dropped significantly, hence all the obesity, and malnutrition diseases.
Our company aims to teach farmers how to farm sustainably and to market locally, and still to maintain standards across various regions, just like Mcdonalds, you know what your going to get whether your in Canada or Japan you know whats in your meat and where it comes from!
Its a very exciting future, there is truly a shift in how people think about their food and more and more responsability is being taken to ensure people eat what is not only good for them but what is GREAT for them!!!

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