Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Watch out for the REST

I had an interesting experience last night as I went to a business seminar last night, while I was there I met a man who had recently been put out a job due to the slow down in the automotive industry. This is something we're seeing more and more however this is not the purpose of this post.

This man had gone into selling bulk food to people, which is not an issue, however the way that he was marketing it was disgraceful to me... used words like


I was astonished, how can something be almost organic, if its not then that word should not even be associated with the product, he had very little knowledge of how it was raised and where it came from, using the word "local" but having no idea why or how its local or what they define as local.

Now I know it may seem like Im gripping at my competition, but really it makes me sad that people are out there, direct marketing food that they have zero knowledge about and what do you think it is that started this over consumption issue in North America, an over consumption and under nutrition epidemic!

I would just encourage people to look very closely, do you know exactly the farm it came from, do you know the farmer that will stand behind his work, how does he farm, whats in the meat, the vegitables, whats the health of the soil, basically WHAT is in your FOOD!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Genetically Modified Mystery

GMO, GMO, GMO free,

what is it other than three letters that is becoming a marketing tool?

well it stands for Genetically Modified Organisms

But what does that REALLY mean and how does it affect you?

well I would love to tell you that Im an expert on that as well but unfortunately its a whole ball game that Im continuously learning about as well

I've found a guy Jeffery Smith who has dedicated his LIFE to this cause and responsible technology development

he's written a book and Im reading it now... it literally BLOWS ones mind!!

the link to his website is http://www.seedsofdeception.com/Public/Home/index.cfm

It has links to free downloads of his lectures as well as CDs at cost for spreading the word!

I hope you find it educational and informative

crop rotation

What is it? and WHY do you care

think about it this way, the reason that there are pesticides and fertilizers that end up having harmful effects on crops and the earth in the long run is because farmers are pumping out as MUCH of one crop as they can, corn farmers or wheat farmers etc, what happens is every crop takes from the soil something and also gives back to the soil, if you continue to farm one crop (mono culture) then the soil always gives and receives the same thing, and is therefore out of balance!!

What organic farmers do to build nutrients in soil is ROTATE the crops and farm various cultures (types of crops) for example, corn sucks the nitrogen from the soil, while red clover and even soy beans take nitrogen from the air and feed it back into the soil. So by rotating the crops you keep the soil nutrients high, take from it one year and give back the next!!!

Im sure you've heard it said its ALL about BALANCE!
well here is a new take on balance - one that will help you understand why there is significantly less nutrients in our food today!!!

have a healthy and prosperous day!

Friday, July 25, 2008

The health Confusion...

What is it...
what is healthy?

these amoung many other questions are things people ask themselves on a daily basis, and with all this marketing being THRUST at us TELLING us what is and isnt healthy for us, not to mention our whole medical system is about someone else telling us what is best for our bodies.

Think about this - your walking down the cereal isle and you see "organic corn flakes" so you think, well MUST be good for me....

Lets break it down, organic means that there are no pesticides, hormones, drugs, and sometimes no genetically modified ingredients. It doesnt mean no sugar, no fat etc.

So you can have organic CAKE but its still going to have all those calories of fat in it. Its that distinction that needs to be made.

Organics has become so much of a marketing tool - I URGE consumers to really look beyond it, a common rule my dad always said if its more than 5 ingredients, you might think twice, if you cant read the ingredients or dont know what they are then dont think twice cuz it wont be nice!

Best of luck!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This organic WAVE...

well as many of you have seen its sort of a growing trend to have organic sections of grocery stores. Many people are unaware of what it actually means and have merely been marketed to, Im developing at product that aims to educate, and inform consumers about buying local and buying quality product. As organic (the brand) becomes more and more mainstream, and people start to realize that the standards are only regionally specific, and that organic here may not mean organic in even the next province or state or country. So unless your overly educated about various regions specifications its all just a game of trust. We're aiming to make a product that is able to be tested for nutritional superiority and gives you the nutrients FROM your food, where it was intended to come originally! But due to all the soil degredation and GMO processes, nutrients in food have dropped significantly, hence all the obesity, and malnutrition diseases.
Our company aims to teach farmers how to farm sustainably and to market locally, and still to maintain standards across various regions, just like Mcdonalds, you know what your going to get whether your in Canada or Japan you know whats in your meat and where it comes from!
Its a very exciting future, there is truly a shift in how people think about their food and more and more responsability is being taken to ensure people eat what is not only good for them but what is GREAT for them!!!