Thursday, May 21, 2009

GMO's - What does it mean for you?

Hello again! I've written about Jeffery Smith Before, however he comes out with some really great information, and his book "seeds of deception" has some AWESOME information about GMO foods and how you and I can avoid them and what the implications are in our lives. Below is some information that Jeffery Smith has come out with most recently. Genetically Modified Foods are perhaps the scariest of all farming innovations, far beyond pesticides and drugs in animals. Perhaps the scariest part about them is the lack of scientific proof that they are not harmful in the long term, and the lack of reliable scientific studies (done thoroughly and by unbiased organizations). Please read below and remember your health is YOUR responsibility!                                                                                                                                CHEERS - Melissa

Doctors Warn: Avoid Genetically Modified Food                                                                                                                     By Jeffrey M. Smith                                                                                                                                                                                       On May 19th, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called on “Physicians to educate their patients, the medical community, and the public to avoid GM (genetically modified) foods when possible and provide educational materials concerning GM foods and health risks.”[1] They called for a moratorium on GM foods, long-term independent studies, and labeling. AAEM’s position paper stated, “Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food,” including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. They conclude, “There is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects. There is causation,” as defined by recognized scientific criteria. “The strength of association and consistency between GM foods and disease is confirmed in several animal studies.” More and more doctors are already prescribing GM-free diets. Dr. Amy Dean, a Michigan internal medicine specialist, and board member of AAEM says, “I strongly recommend patients eat strictly non-genetically modified foods.” Ohio allergist Dr. John Boyles says “I used to test for soy allergies all the time, but now that soy is genetically engineered, it is so dangerous that I tell people never to eat it.” Dr. Jennifer Armstrong, President of AAEM, says, “Physicians are probably seeing the effects in their patients, but need to know how to ask the right questions.” World renowned biologist Pushpa M. Bhargava goes one step further. After reviewing more than 600 scientific journals, he concludes that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are a major contributor to the sharply deteriorating health of Americans.                                                                                             Pregnant women and babies at great risk                                                                                                                              Among the population, biologist David Schubert of the Salk Institute warns that “children are the most likely to be adversely effected by toxins and other dietary problems” related to GM foods. He says without adequate studies, the children become “the experimental animals.”[2]  The experience of actual GM-fed experimental animals is scary. When GM soy was fed to female rats, most of their babies died within three weeks—compared to a 10% death rate among the control group fed natural soy.[3] The GM-fed babies were also smaller, and later had problems getting pregnant.[4]  When male rats were fed GM soy, their testicles actually changed color—from the normal pink to dark blue.[5] Mice fed GM soy had altered young sperm.[6] Even the embryos of GM fed parent mice had significant changes in their DNA.[7] Mice fed GM corn in an Austrian government study had fewer babies, which were also smaller than normal.[8] Reproductive problems also plague livestock. Investigations in the state of Haryana, India revealed that most buffalo that ate GM cottonseed had complications such as premature deliveries, abortions, infertility, and prolapsed uteruses. Many calves died. In the US, about two dozen farmers reported thousands of pigs became sterile after consuming certain GM corn varieties. Some had false pregnancies; others gave birth to bags of water. Cows and bulls also became infertile when fed the same corn.[9] In the US population, the incidence of low birth weight babies, infertility, and infant mortality are all escalating.                                                                                                                                                        Food designed to produce toxin                                                                                                                                                       GM corn and cotton are engineered to produce their own built-in pesticide in every cell. When bugs bite the plant, the poison splits open their stomach and kills them. Biotech companies claim that the pesticide, called Bt—produced from soil bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis—has a history of safe use, since organic farmers and others use Bt bacteria spray for natural insect control. Genetic engineers insert Bt genes into corn and cotton, so the plants do the killing. The Bt-toxin produced in GM plants, however, is thousands of times more concentrated than natural Bt spray, is designed to be moretoxic,[10] has properties of an allergen, and unlike the spray, cannot be washed off the plant. Moreover, studies confirm that even the less toxic natural bacterial spray is harmful. When dispersed by plane to kill gypsy moths in the Pacific Northwest, about 500 people reported allergy or flu-like symptoms. Some had to go to the emergency room.[11],[12]The exact same symptoms are now being reported by farm workers throughout India, from handling Bt cotton.[13] In 2008, based on medical records, the Sunday India reported, “Victims of itching have increased massively this year . . . related to BT cotton farming.”[14]                                                                                                                                                      GMOs provoke immune reactions                                                                                                                                             AAEM states, “Multiple animal studies show significant immune dysregulation,” including increase in cytokines, which are “associated with asthma, allergy, and inflammation”—all on the rise in the US.  According to GM food safety expert Dr. Arpad Pusztai, changes in the immune status of GM animals are “a consistent feature of all the studies.”[15] Even Monsanto’s own research showed significant immune system changes in rats fed Bt corn.[16] A November 2008 by the Italian government also found that mice have an immune reaction to Bt corn.[17] GM soy and corn each contain two new proteins with allergenic properties,[18] GM soy has up to seven times more trypsin inhibitor—a known soy allergen,[19] and skin prick tests show some people react to GM, but not to non-GM soy.[20] Soon after GM soy was introduced to the UK, soy allergies skyrocketed by 50%. Perhaps the US epidemic of food allergies and asthma is a casualty of genetic manipulation.                                                                                        Animals dying in large numbers                                                                                                                                                         In India, animals graze on cotton plants after harvest. But when shepherds let sheep graze on Bt cotton plants, thousands died. Post mortems showed severe irritation and black patches in both intestines and liver (as well as enlarged bile ducts). Investigators said preliminary evidence “strongly suggests that the sheep mortality was due to a toxin. . . . most probably Bt-toxin.”[21] In a small follow-up feeding study by the Deccan Development Society, all sheep fed Bt cotton plants died within 30 days; those that grazed on natural cotton plants remained healthy. In a small village in Andhra Pradesh, buffalo grazed on cotton plants for eight years without incident. On January 3rd, 2008, the buffalo grazed on Bt cotton plants for the first time. All 13 were sick the next day; all died within 3 days.[22] Bt corn was also implicated in the deaths of cows in Germany, and horses, water buffaloes, and chickens in The Philippines.[23] In lab studies, twice the number of chickens fed Liberty Link corn died; 7 of 20 rats fed a GM tomato developed bleeding stomachs; another 7 of 40 died within two weeks.[24] Monsanto’s own study showed evidence of poisoning in major organs of rats fed Bt corn, according to top French toxicologist G. E. Seralini.[25]         Worst finding of all—GMOs remain inside of us                                                                                                                   The only published human feeding study revealed what may be the most dangerous problem from GM foods. The gene inserted into GM soy transfers into the DNA of bacteria living inside our intestines and continues to function.[26] This means that long after we stop eating GMOs, we may still have potentially harmful GM proteins produced continuously inside of us. Put more plainly, eating a corn chip produced from Bt corn might transform our intestinal bacteria into living pesticide factories, possibly for the rest of our lives. When evidence of gene transfer is reported at medical conferences around the US, doctors often respond by citing the huge increase of gastrointestinal problems among their patients over the last decade. GM foods might be colonizing the gut flora of North Americans.                             Warnings by government scientists ignored and denied                                                                                        Scientists at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had warned about all these problems even in the early 1990s. According to documents released from a lawsuit, the scientific consensus at the agency was that GM foods were inherently dangerous, and might create hard-to-detect allergies, poisons, gene transfer to gut bacteria, new diseases, and nutritional problems. They urged their superiors to require rigorous long-term tests.[27] But the White House had ordered the agency to promote biotechnology and the FDA responded by recruiting Michael Taylor, Monsanto’s former attorney, to head up the formation of GMO policy. That policy, which is in effect today, denies knowledge of scientists’ concerns and declares that no safety studies on GMOs are required. It is up to Monsanto and the other biotech companies to determine if their foods are safe. Mr. Taylor later became Monsanto’s vice president.              Dangerously few studies, untraceable diseases                                                                                                                  AAEM states, “GM foods have not been properly tested” and “pose a serious health risk.” Not a single human clinical trial on GMOs has been published. A 2007 review of published scientific literature on the “potential toxic effects/health risks of GM plants” revealed “that experimental data are very scarce.” The author concludes his review by asking, “Where is the scientific evidence showing that GM plants/food are toxicologically safe, as assumed by the biotechnology companies?”[28] Famed Canadian geneticist David Suzuki answers, “The experiments simply haven’t been done and we now have become the guinea pigs.” He adds, “Anyone that says, ‘Oh, we know that this is perfectly safe,’ I say is either unbelievably stupid or deliberately lying.”[29] Dr. Schubert points out, “If there are problems, we will probably never know because the cause will not be traceable and many diseases take a very long time to develop.” If GMOs happen to cause immediate and acute symptoms with a unique signature, perhaps then we might have a chance to trace the cause. This is precisely what happened during a US epidemic in the late 1980s. The disease was fast acting, deadly, and caused a unique measurable change in the blood—but it still took more than four years to identify that an epidemic was even occurring. By then it had killed about 100 Americans and caused 5,000-10,000 people to fall sick or become permanently disabled. It was caused by a genetically engineered brand of a food supplement called L-tryptophan. If other GM foods are contributing to the rise of autism, obesity, diabetes, asthma, cancer, heart disease, allergies, reproductive problems, or any other common health problem now plaguing Americans, we may never know. In fact, since animals fed GMOs had such a wide variety of problems, susceptible people may react to GM food with multiple symptoms. It is therefore telling that in the first nine years after the large scale introduction of GM crops in 1996, the incidence of people with three or more chronic diseases nearly doubled, from 7% to 13%.[30] To help identify if GMOs are causing harm, the AAEM asks their “members, the medical community, and the independent scientific community to gather case studies potentially related to GM food consumption and health effects, begin epidemiological research to investigate the role of GM foods on human health, and conduct safe methods of determining the effect of GM foods on human health.”  Citizens need not wait for the results before taking the doctors advice to avoid GM foods. People can stay away from anything with soy or corn derivatives, cottonseed and canola oil, and sugar from GM sugar beets—unless it says organic or “non-GMO.” There is a pocket Non-GMO Shopping Guide, co-produced by the Institute for Responsible Technology and the Center for Food Safety, which is available as a download, as well as in natural food stores and in many doctors’ offices. If even a small percentage of people choose non-GMO brands, the food industry will likely respond as they did in Europe—by removing all GM ingredients. Thus, AAEM’s non-GMO prescription may be a watershed for the US food supply.

Organic overveiw - is it worth it?

Today I had a couple people stopping by the farm to pick up some orders, so Im not in my "farm" clothes, however my dad was not there, I had to go check on the baby calves in the field, I jumped into my rubber boots - with my white capris and regular street clothing on!!!!! oh the life on the farm. One of the calves (the newest one) was moo-ing ALOT! Its mother is a new mother and I had to make sure she knew where her calf was and then supervise her a little to make sure she let it suck (nurse). It was so great to see the calves - about 9 of them now, running around kicking their heels up, its a great sign of health and vitality in the little guys, it definitely puts a smile on my dads face!!! 

Onto the topic of the day - organic and is it worth it to pay the money for it?? 
In short - yes
The long answer however is that it is only worth it to pay for organic labelling IF you know who the farmer is and how he/she farms. By law it is not actually ILLEGAL for anyone to claim to be organic, although many are certified with third parties such as the OCPP (in ontario). Anyone can make an 'organic' claim and the only thing stopping them would be someone complaining to the CFIA of a false claim. 

I have trouble digesting this information myself - because as an organic farm (certified by ocpp), Im not sure what the reason is for our certification, we would farm like this anyways, but it gives us third party agreement that we are farming like we say we farm, and that people can essentially count on us. So now Im essentially competing with Joe-blow out there who decides that "organic" is a great marketing term and decides to slap it on some box of who knows what!!

I would strongly urge you to sit down and evaluate what you are willing to put in your body! Be clear about what your standards of health are, and then find someone who can provide that for you at the price you want. Sadly its not the case these days that you can just trust that food from the grocery store is actually quality and good for you. 
This article below outlines some of the downfalls of the organic system in the states, and many of the points are relevant here - it doesnt hurt to be AWARE of whats going on, then at least you have the choice, as of now there is no choice. 

Enjoy the attached article - until next time, cheers to your VIBRANT life!!

Deconstructing Organic Beef
The Costs and Benefits of Raising Cattle Au Naturel
By Barbara Bowman

Cows in a field

Organic beef has become increasingly popular over the past decade as health-conscious consumers realize it may be better for the body and better for the environment. But organic beef can cost nearly twice as much as conventional beef (refer to box below). With such high costs, is it really worth the price?

No-Hormones-Added, Antibiotic-Free, Natural-Organic Meat

Beef Prices

Although prices may vary from market to market, here are some comparisons in price between organic and conventional beef, respectively.

Boneless Chuck Roast:
$5.99/lb. vs. $2.99/lb.

Filet Mignon:
$28.99/lb. vs. $14.99/lb.

In order to be a well-informed consumer, one should know what “organic” means in the first place. For meat to be labeled organic, beef providers must be certified by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through independent certifying agencies. “Organic” means that the cattle were fed 100 percent organic feed, whether that be grasses or grains, that they are not given antibiotics or growth hormones, and that they are allowed significant access to the outdoors throughout their lives. Additionally, it also means that the cattle were never fed animal parts, sinceruminants are herbivores by nature . Only beef that meets these standards and is certified can carry the USDA’s organic seal.

Certified Organic Seal

So why do some products carry seals that say “natural” or “antibiotic-free”? While such statements may be accurate, they are not regulated by the USDA and are not synonymous with “organic.” Even something claiming to be “natural” is technically just about any beef that has been minimally processed. (Check out the “Meat Terminology” article from the Chefs Collaborative for a detailed clarification of such terms.)

Even with the “organic” label, there is no solid evidence that organic beef is healthier than conventional beef. Some, however, claim that beef from grass-fed cattle is higher in Omega-3 fatty acids and lower in saturated fats. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered to be heart-healthy and protect against physical and mental degenerative diseases.

Where to Get the Beef

Dakota Beef Company
 (Howard, S.D.): Supplier to Williams-Sonoma, their contracted 100 percent organic beef producers are located around the Midwest, but their main processing plant is situated in Howard, S.D. All of their producers follow strict and precise guidelines to ensure the highest, most consistent quality of meat. The cattle are grass-fed until the last few weeks when grains are added to their diets for increased marbling and higher Omega-3 fatty acid levels in the meat. Dakota Beef has a strong belief that if the cattle are allowed to live in a calm environment with plenty of fresh air, water and food, healthy cows result. (

Prather Ranch (Macdoel and Fall River Valley, Calif.): Situated on a 34,000-acre farm in the mountains in northeastern California, the cattle raised here are certified organic. In addition, the meat is dry-aged for two to three weeks for a fuller flavor. (

Homestead Healthy Foods(Fredericksburg, Texas): Purveyor of certified organic beef and chicken. Antibiotics, pesticides, hormones and animal by-products are never used, and the animals are allowed to roam free. The result is flavorful and tender meat. (, 830-997-2508)

West Wind Farms (Deer Lodge, Tenn.): Located in rural Tennessee, West Wind Farms offers not only organic beef but also organic lamb, goat, chicken, turkey and a variety of other products such as honey and artisan cheeses. Ships nationwide. (, 423-965-3334)

It isn’t just about the beef

While some people buy organic beef solely for personal health reasons, the ways in which cattle are raised for food also impact the environment. Organic farming encourages raising animals on a proper balance of land-to-cattle ratio so that the manure can actually be used by plants as fertilizer and doesn’t run off as pollution. Additionally, there is no use of pesticides or fertilizers on the land where the cattle roam, so those chemicals cannot harm the environment either. According to theOrganic Trade Association, the benefits of raising cattle organically include healthier water supplies and more humane treatment of animals.

Even with the onset of Mad Cow Disease and a 1997 FDA ban on cattle feed containing animal by-products from ruminants, there are still conventional beef producers who use animal by-products from chicken and fish as a protein source to promote the growth of their cattle. Likewise, conventional beef producers sometimes use other unnatural methods, such as using plastic pellets for roughage, using antibiotics and hormones for growth, and housing cattle in cramped, filthy warehouses with no access to the outdoors.

So, pay the price?

Although the price of organic beef is almost twice that of conventional beef, the bottom line is that buying organic helps out the smaller farmer and environment and also encourages the fair treatment of animals. One way to look at it is to not only consider the immediate effects of supporting such farms but the long term effects on health and environment. And economically, if the demand for organic products rises, there will eventually come a point where the supply matches the demand and the price will come to a comfortable and more affordable level. So, next time you stand in line at the meat counter to get your New York steak, don’t only think of the taste. Think of the effects of your choices, too.

Steer Clear of Degenerate diseases - READ THIS!

Dad just informed me today that there are 8 baby cows now!!!!! We also have about 8 kittens out in the barn, the chickens are growing healthy (Ive got a GREAT Story about these- stay tuned). As my dads talking to me today about the new calves, I could just hear in his voice the passion and the joy it brings him to be there from the birth of a calf, to see if get through the early stages (which often are the toughest, and depending on its environment will determine whether it makes it or not), to see it full grown a year later, running around in the field, butting heads with the other 1 year old calves. 

So how does how my dad feels about his animals and the connection he has with them have ANY relevance to your life and your food and how you feel....

well thats just it - its got EVERYTHING to do with it. Depending on the way my dad farms his animals, the way he works his land, will all determine the type of product that he produces in meat and produce and grains. I found a website and article that VERY clearly states how this is affecting your health and why its a huge concern, it might shed some light on what can be done to improve your state of health. 

Article Found At

by Dr. Paul Clayton

Soils in many areas are naturally depleted in various minerals, there is evidence that over-intensive farming can strip the soil of many key minerals. Plants and animals raised in these areas are therefore depleted in these minerals. UK intakes of the anti-cancer selenium, for example are worryingly low

 most people are depleted in most micro-nutrients. But note that depletion is not the same as deficiency.

Deficiency is the absence of a nutrient that causes a deficiency disease, as a deficiency in Vitamin C causes scurvy.

Depletion is a below-optimal level of a nutrient or nutrients which slows a restorative process by a mere one or two percent a year. That is enough to lead, over a period of years, to debilitating or fatal illness.

Drugs cannot remedy this pattern of multiple micro-nutrient depletion leading to illness.

Only by boosting your intake of the nutrients that specifically support regenerative function and the immune system, can you slow down or reverse the process of degeneration.

There you have it, a pretty simple way of saying it, over farming leads to minimized micro nutrients which shows up in the from illness and dis-ease. 

I hope you have a WONDERFUL day, take some time today to enjoy the beautiful weather and that we live in such a climate that we can grow so many things in the summer!!



Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A New Season

We're back at it again, there are 3 new baby calves in the field, the crops are starting to come up, and the lilacs around the farm are budding and will soon be in full bloom! 

A year has gone by since I chose to take on this task of offering quality meat at a reasonable rate, an ensuring the farmers are fully compensated.  Its been an exciting journey and keeps getting more exciting as I learn more about what it takes to offer NUTRITIOUS meat and how to measure that and how to ensure the integrity of the meat. Its very disheartening to me that people throw around the word ORGANIC so easily, I've spoken to the OCPP (governing body in Ontario) about how there is a mis conception that the title organic doesnt ensure nutrition, there are so many loop holes and it doesnt speak anything of buying local... So many variations on this latest green, local, health craze that has been going on. And dont get me wrong- All are good, but I think there needs to be an understanding of whats NUTRITIOUS, its all a stepping stone to understanding more about whats in your food, and more importantly waht ISNT in your food. 

In the coming blog posts I will show you why it is ESSENTIAL that the basis of nutrition is covered and why its so important these days and what can be done about it, what most people are missing in their diet and why. These days getting all the food groups covered just wont cut it. As one of the calcium pill commercials states on TV, the amount of food you'd have to eat to get your daily dose of calcium is astronomical and unrealistic. Which goes to show we are essentially STARVING our body of nutrients, and packing it full of calories, with that being said is it any SURPRISE the state of health our world is in??? 

Until next time - think about MICRO Nutrients - the building blocks to your future, a VIBRANT FUTURE
