Thursday, May 21, 2009

Steer Clear of Degenerate diseases - READ THIS!

Dad just informed me today that there are 8 baby cows now!!!!! We also have about 8 kittens out in the barn, the chickens are growing healthy (Ive got a GREAT Story about these- stay tuned). As my dads talking to me today about the new calves, I could just hear in his voice the passion and the joy it brings him to be there from the birth of a calf, to see if get through the early stages (which often are the toughest, and depending on its environment will determine whether it makes it or not), to see it full grown a year later, running around in the field, butting heads with the other 1 year old calves. 

So how does how my dad feels about his animals and the connection he has with them have ANY relevance to your life and your food and how you feel....

well thats just it - its got EVERYTHING to do with it. Depending on the way my dad farms his animals, the way he works his land, will all determine the type of product that he produces in meat and produce and grains. I found a website and article that VERY clearly states how this is affecting your health and why its a huge concern, it might shed some light on what can be done to improve your state of health. 

Article Found At

by Dr. Paul Clayton

Soils in many areas are naturally depleted in various minerals, there is evidence that over-intensive farming can strip the soil of many key minerals. Plants and animals raised in these areas are therefore depleted in these minerals. UK intakes of the anti-cancer selenium, for example are worryingly low

 most people are depleted in most micro-nutrients. But note that depletion is not the same as deficiency.

Deficiency is the absence of a nutrient that causes a deficiency disease, as a deficiency in Vitamin C causes scurvy.

Depletion is a below-optimal level of a nutrient or nutrients which slows a restorative process by a mere one or two percent a year. That is enough to lead, over a period of years, to debilitating or fatal illness.

Drugs cannot remedy this pattern of multiple micro-nutrient depletion leading to illness.

Only by boosting your intake of the nutrients that specifically support regenerative function and the immune system, can you slow down or reverse the process of degeneration.

There you have it, a pretty simple way of saying it, over farming leads to minimized micro nutrients which shows up in the from illness and dis-ease. 

I hope you have a WONDERFUL day, take some time today to enjoy the beautiful weather and that we live in such a climate that we can grow so many things in the summer!!



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