Friday, June 13, 2008

FOOD for thought...

I was just thinking about this the other day... there seems to be a lot more dis-ease and sickness these days, with things like cancer, chronic fatique syndrome, depression, OCD, ADHD, arthritis... the list goes on and on!! With new ones seeming to pop up each and every day!

If we take a look back a couple years (decades) we have always had disease, thats not a question, and perhaps the rare cases back then were arguably worse than the cases these days which are easily treated with a plethora of medicines. However if I look at the trend of food, when food started to be processed, when anti-biotics where introduced, there seems to be more dis-ease (I spell it like that on purpose to enforce the meaning of the word) and sickness today in America and North America and all around the world. Why is it, if we are becoming so "advanced" in treatements of disease and illness that there is still new diseases popping up all the time!!!!

In my humble opinion the system is backwards is a whole different way of thinking.... to have the courage when nothing is seemingly wrong to look at your health and ask what can I do better, to increase your ZEST for life, by giving your body the nutrients it needs. Someone once explained it to me this way - your body is a bank account, when your young you generally are debiting from it, through lack of sleep, more than average drinking, asking of your body more than it is prepare to give you, and subsequently it delves into its mineral and nutrient stores to provide you with what you ask of it. As we get older, (and we are neglecting our bodies - or just have no idea what to do) we start so show signs of "aging" we are tired faster, we dont have the energy, the passion is lost..... this unfortunately is the description of many peoples retirement!!! But when your body is healthy and you continue to feed it the things it needs, the enzymes, the minerals, the nutrients and build up bone marrow stores (where the nutrients are held for your blood) THATS when we begin to experience VITALITY and VIBRANCE when life is no longer about the absense of dis-ease but the presence of LIFE, of LOVE, of VITALITY and of EASE......

Its truly a shame that the way people have come to think of growing old is that we become feeble, and can no longer do the things we used to, my father is case and point, he is 50 years old, still works the same amount of hours as when I was a kid 20 years ago, and actually LOVES what he does more now than hes ever before, he also has the energy after a 12 hour day to go dancing with the love of his life. And although hes thinking about retiring within the coming years, his definition of retirment is a LITTLE different than the average persons, he wants to have a place where he can live quitely with his sweetheart, and I bet you he'll be here (on the farm) more days than not, that he'll be running around playing some sport, dancing till his hearts content and still raising the animals! now THATS what I call a "vibrant LIFE"

What kind of life do you want to live? what is your standard that you wont settle for less than?
What are you willing to do to have the life of your dreams?!?!?

Just some "food" for thought!

Monday, June 9, 2008

The CRAZY standards for Organics!!

Well... Ive learned more information on the American standards for organic meat,
from my understanding an animal can be called organic as long as it hasnt been injected with steroids 30 days before slaughter!!!

This is insanity!!! anyone with a couple brain cells can see that the steroids are still being injected and 30 days isnt going to stop them from having an effect on the animals body and subsequently our bodies!

What do steroids in meat do to us? Well think of it this way whatever steroids do to people thats what its doing to the animal, breaking down tissue, creating a whole lot of meat that has no nutritional value in terms of minerals etc, so the quality is bad to begin with and secondly its like taking second hand steroids!

My main concern is that these standards are out there, and people who do not educate themselves about this are being fooled by the whole system, even though it says organic its not the ultimate test for food health. You can still have cornflakes that say organic and that could be totally true, the sugar is organic, the corn is organic, it still doesnt mean that you should be eating that much sugar!!!

DO YOUR RESEARCH - I will do my best to post provoking questions and thoughts so that people have questions to ask and outlets to find the information, if you are concerned,
Ask a farmer about his process, what he puts in the animals, what he doesnt put in the animals, what he does when they are sick, and make sure hes treating them humanely!
Its not easy to be totally organic, there is alot of care and effort put into it, and so there now are a LOT of major corporations out there who are realizing the buzz that is created around the "organic" buzz word, on top of this, governments cant afford to put any major grocery chain out of business, or major food producers so the standards will change in a way that suites them.
- make sense? see how it all fits together?

Until Next time

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


There is a TON of information out there, sorting through all of it can be quite a task, there are some basic concepts to keep in mind, I have access to several articles which may blow your mind in terms of health and healing and caring for yourself. There has also been alot changing in certification of organics in Canada and various regions, I will have more updates on what is happening so everyone can stay informed and educated so that you can educatedly make decisions about your food choices.